Boann Podcasts


Ruth Stanley

Introduction Series 2


Hello everyone.


Wow, This is now Year Two of my Boann Imagination Flow Creativity Podcasts.  I learned so much about the different ways in which we can exercise creativity. Even what we might think as the driest or least likely to be creative industries have some form of creativity; and the people who work in these industries have their own way of bringing creativity to their jobs and have a distinct creative process for themselves. I can't wait to uncover more stories about how people achieve creativity and flow in their work and in their personal lives. 


Many Thanks!

Ruth Stanley. 


Series 2 /Episode 1: Conversation with Katherine Burrows

Katherine Burrows is a ghostwriter.  She has a unique way of getting to know the people whose stories she tells.  She also carefully constructs her working environment to put her in the right creative space for each project. 



Series 2 /Episode 2: Conversation with Sumitra Vig

I had a lovely conversation with Sumitra Vig.  She works primarily with the financial industry.  She sees creativity as an engager for employees and customers alike. For her, the most important factor in thinking differently is the ability to learn and adapt and a sense of gratitude.



Series 2 /Episode 3: Conversation with Dwight Powless

I learn so much in my conversations about creativity and about life with Dwight Powless, Co-author of Your Creativity Sprint and of A Path Forward (Mikan E'niigaanimok) Continuous Improvement Through an Indigenous Lens.  His approach to creativity is all about his relationships with friends and colleagues, his culture, and with nature.



Series 2 /Episode 4: Conversation with Dennis Coetzee

I talked with Dennis Coetzee about creativity in the Agricultural Community in South Africa in an around Mafeking.  He tells me that creativity is an essential for the agricultural industry as it faces constant change and uncertainty.



Series 2 /Episode 5: Conversation with Julie Savage Fournier

It is always a pleasure to speak with Julie Savage Fournier.  Her passion for both Lean problem-solving methods and neurodiversity enables her to inspire others to embrace different ways of thinking, an essential element in everyone's creative toolbox.



Series 2 /Episode 6: Conversation with Marcus Koehnlein

My conversation with Marcus Koehnlein about creativity was a treat.  He packed two conversations into one.  Marcus divides his time between the traditional, process-oriented machine industry and the chaotic world of start-ups. Creativity is possible in both worlds, he says.  It is really all about the people you are working with. 



Series 2 /Episode 7: Conversation with Atta Arain

I had an interesting conversation with Atta Arain about creativity in the metallurgy and non-destructive testing industry.  For him, creativity comes with mastery of a skill.  With systems thinking and experimentation you get better at whatever you are doing and can ask, "How can we get better, how can we solve this problem?" It is with this knowledge and experiences that we can get answers outside of the boundaries. 



Series 2 /Episode 8: Conversation with Gary Kapanowski

Gary Kapanowski is an accountant.  Accountants have a bad rap as creators – either dull or engaging in creative accounting .  Gary tells me that accountants can be storytellers and creative catalysts, helping others to see beyond the immediate to the adjacent possible.



Series 2 /Episode 9: Conversation with Amanda Zimmerman

I had a thought-provoking conversation with Amanda Zimmerman.  Amanda recently moved to New Zealand from the United States and she reflected on how she had to expand the meaning of words and how the differences between the two cultures have made her think differently.  We have to create spaces in organizations to connect and experiment, she says. 



Series 2 /Episode 10: Conversation with Desmond Mahadeo

I had an interesting conversation with Desmond Mahadeo about the difference between creativity and innovation. We also talked about the ISO Standards for Innovation which detail the systems that can be put in place to enable an idea to move forward to successful innovation.



Series 2 /Episode 11: Conversation with Leah Fink

I had a really different conversation with Leah Fink.  Building on her background in mental health and addiction, we talked about our human need for connection, and how getting past conflict, enables relationship creativity.



Series 2 /Episode 12: Conversation with Michael Ballé

I had a really fun conversation with Michael Ballé.  We talked about the relationship between standards and creativity – standards are a starting point rather than an endpoint.  Michael shared with me his conviction that a rich, vibrant inner life is imperative for creativity. 



Series 2 /Episode 13: Conversation with Veronica Marquez

It's always good to talk with Veronica Marquez. We talked about creativity in the supply chain and how it can help find solutions and enable the supply chain to become more agile and resilient. The key is to take the time to ask the question, "How else can the supply chain work to connect the dots?" 



Series 2 /Episode 14: Conversation with Carolee Rigsbee

I enjoyed my conversation with Carolee Rigsbee. We talked about social responsibility and how people can organize differently to accomplish big societal goals. We also talked about how creativity, particularly relationship creativity, relates to this type of activity. 


The Book
Your Creativity Sprint


The five-week challenge to better insights!
Edwin Garro - Dwight Powless - Ruth Stanley - Tim Ragan



By reading this book and completing some of the exercises, you will undertake a journey toward a better understanding of creativity and how to get there.