Boann Podcasts
Ruth Stanley
Hello everyone.
I am now starting Series 3.
This is Series 3 of Boann Imagination Flow Creativity Podcasts. I have learned how important it is to give everyday people a voice to share what creativity means to them and how they apply it in their day to day.
In Series 3, I will continue to talk with friends, old and new, about creativity in their work world and delve into unique aspects of their own creativity.
Many Thanks!
Ruth Stanley.
Series 3 /Episode 1: Conversation with Dimitra Giannakoulias
I talked with Dimitra Giannakoulias. She believes that there is a massive amount of untapped creativity in organizations. We talked about her definition of play and that we need to give people the time and space to create new ways of working together.
Series 3 /Episode 2: Conversation with Pam Mathura
I had a great conversation with Pam Mathura about creativity in health care. She talks about bringing the head, heart and hands together to make the A3 problem-solving process more effective for quality improvement. She also explains that in creativity, it is ok to be different.
Series 3 /Episode 3: Conversation with with Zubair Anwar
I had an interesting conversation with Zubair Anwar. He mentioned that Einstein saw imagination as more important than knowledge. Understanding that imagination is limitless allows us to develop ourselves and others, says Zubair. He emphasizes that we are not robots, – we think differently, act differently, react differently, and progress differently. This recognition is important for the coming Industry 5 revolution.
Series 3 /Episode 4: Conversation with with Susan Gorveatte
In my conversation with Susan Gorveatte her east coast Nova Scotia-type warmth shone through. We had a great discussion about how culture can be a trigger and support for creativity. Culture can enable the resilience and courage you need to ask questions and to think and engage differently.
Series 3 /Episode 5: Conversation with Ines Ducic
I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Ines Ducic about how coaching is a co-creative process. Coaching enables people to see differently and how they can present themselves to the world. Coaching is about creating that space for honesty that allows the co-creative process to flow.
Series 3 /Episode 6: Conversation with Ron Gantt
I had an insightful conversation with Ron Gantt about drift, which is not necessarily a bad thing. How much of our world is just us figuring it out, says Ron, and how can we be more intentionally creative?
Series 3 /Episode 7: Conversation Tracy Borreson
I had an unusual conversation with Tracy Borreson about the link between personal branding and creativity. Creativity is a very personal thing. By embracing your personal brand you can connect the dots in unique ways, ways that only you can imagine. Knowing yourself, you can also connect with the people you need to enhance your own creativity.
Series 3 /Episode 8: Conversation with Laltith Gunaratne
I had an impactful conversation with Laltith Gunaratne. Lalith talks about how creativity is the pathway for multipreneurs. It is essential, he says, to open your mind to the universe and its possibilities., to move forward with your whole brain, both left and right. He uses the ancient technique of meditation to explore without boundaries and connect possibilities, ideas, and people.
Series 3 /Episode 9: Conversation with Jacob Stoller
My conversation with Jacob Stoller, author of The Lean CEO, enabled me to think differently about creativity. In Lean organizations, Jacob explains, exercising creativity toward improving the work is the responsibility of every employee. We also discussed creativity in music and writing, and how those compare with creativity in a Lean workplace.
Series 3 /Episode 10: Conversation with Lauren Hisey
I had a thoughtful conversation with Lauren Hisey about Technology/Artificial Intelligence and Creativity. The question is how do we use technology to help ourselves rather than take jobs away from humans? We need to think differently about how to use technology and how to form new types of relationships with upcoming technologies.
Series 3 /Episode 11: Conversation with Connie Jacab
I had an invigorating conversation with Connie Jacab about creativity and education. Connie tells me that we need to do something different in the education system. How can we change the game and bring the innovation needed to support students' and families' mental health and resilience? How can we create environments that allow students to better experience learning? Connie shares some of the things that she is doing to enable students' curiosity, a key factor in creativity and resilience.
Series 3 /Episode 12: Conversation with Marie-Reine Kabis
I had an uplifting conversation with Marie Reine. We talked about when taking care of yourself and taking care of others, you have a sense that there has to be another way, one that doesn’t deplete your energy. Marie Reine says creativity is life, It allows us to live life according to our values. Taking a little for yourself, you are filling your cup. Listen to your body because it is talking to you and your body is different every day. Listen also to your soul. To do that, you need to have some quiet moments in your life, she says.
Series 3 /Episode 13: Conversation with Anthony Pagliaroli
Anthony Pagliaroli and I talked about different definitions of creativity and the importance of dreaming about possibilities, particularly in the community development context. We all need to be able to change and decide what the future could look like.
Series 3 /Episode 14: Conversation with Kim Westlund
I had a comfortable chat with Kim Westlund about creativity. We talked about curiosity, community, conversation, a carefree attitude and colouring outside the lines. It is essential to nurture our creativity and to remove the barriers that pull us away from the path we are uniquely made to follow, she says.
The Book
Your Creativity Sprint
The five-week challenge to better insights!
Edwin Garro - Dwight Powless - Ruth Stanley - Tim Ragan
By reading this book and completing some of the exercises, you will undertake a journey toward a better understanding of creativity and how to get there.