Boann Podcasts
Ruth Stanley
Series 5: Boann Imagination Flow Creativity
Series 5 will be about creativity and growth. In this series,I will be talking with people who are in the process of imagining something new: a new career or a better life for all. I will be interested to see where they see creativity at work, how they navigate between creative and analytical thinking, and how they plan to engage differently. I hope to uncover some interesting insights into what creativity means for them and how it translates into their own lives and the things they are passionate about.
Many Thanks!
Ruth Stanley.
Series 5 /Episode 1: Conversation with Dorsa Aghazadeh
I had a delightful conversation with Dorsa Aghazadeh. She is a new professional on the brink of starting a new career. We talked about ways of generating new ideas using technology such as VR glasses. The job search is, of course, about finding creative ways to make new relationships and to enable two-way dreaming about possibilities. Dorsa came to life talking about the possibilities that data analysis can offer and the insights that it can provide to enhance your storytelling.
Series 5 /Episode 2: Conversation with Andrew Faulkner
There were so many great moments during our conversation. "Creativity is pervasive and is all over to varying degrees", says Andrew Faulkner. Engineers are conditioned to tap into their logical mind – there is a right and a wrong answer. Our subconscious mind - all the knowledge, training, and experience that we put there throughout our lives – enables us to connect the dots that we can't see with our logical mind. Creativity is about putting together knowledge in new ways and about recognizing a good thing when you see it. It can come from openness and having the latitude to play and experiment. Engineers can be very creative. They can apply technology where others don't think to go.
Series 5 /Episode 3: Conversation with Gwendo Were
I had an illuminating conversation with Gwendo Were. She talked about reclaiming her name and how affirming her identity gives her the confidence and framework that she needs to move forward and come up with new ideas. We also talked about the importance of having a supportive network to help you frame your next steps. To get herself into the creative zone, she purposely gets lost and finds her way home. Not only does this practice keep her problem-solving skills needle sharp, but also reminds her to stay flexible.
Series 5 /Episode 4: Conversation with Jesse Hernandez
I had an intriguing conversation with Jesse Hernandez. He says that he used to say he wasn't creative. Now he sees creativity everywhere in the construction industry. It is all about people. "Creativity is about finding a way to bring an idea into the world and a path to those interactions that enable people to experience that idea and replicate it," he says. If you choose the worn path or let the negative responses overcome the potential positive responses, your creativity will suffer. It is about intentionally putting yourself in those conditions where you can engage in the dance between courage and vulnerability.
Series 5 /Episode 5: Conversation with Shelcy Kamrud
My conversation with Shelcy Kamrud was about rhythm. There is a flow to processes. When something happens to disrupt the rhythm, we have to find another way to get back into the flow. Sometimes regaining flow is about letting go and letting others take up the rhythm. Shelcy gained this insight on tours of graffiti and street art in New York City. Street art is here today and gone tomorrow. It is important to make your mark, knowing that it is for a brief moment, and then to let others express themselves. The main lesson is that individual contributions may fade, but creativity endures.
Series 5 /Episode 6: Conversation with Jim Cassidy
I knew that my conversation with Jim Cassidy would be moving and leave a lasting impact, He has approached his work life and recent debilitating health issues in a spirit of disruption and generosity. "Do things that are counterintuitive; let yourself feel uncomfortable," he says.,"It is then that you can open up to those moments of grace." What struck me was his storytelling ability, and his willingness to share his experiences so openly. I understood from him that creativity is ultimately about generosity, You are sharing a part of yourself with the world in hopes of making an impact.
Series 5 /Episode 7: Conversation with Corinna Freitag
I had an enjoyable conversation with Corinna Freitag. "In Chemistry", she says, "creativity is about the questions we ask and the choices we make during analysis." We talked about how exposure to other cultures can change the way we engage with others and increase our flexibility and openness to new ideas. She also has interesting ways to put herself into the creative zone. She plays a piece on the piano, making sure that she has a pen and paper to hand. As she plays, the ideas seemingly come on their own. Interestingly, she has found that plastering in her new home provides the same space for idea generation.
Series 5 /Episode 8: Conversation with Nima Abbasi
I had an intriguing conversation with Nima Abbasi. As an aspiring environmental engineer, he sees the importance of dreaming of solutions that will make people's lives better. He explained how Daniel Pink's concept about the power of regret came to life for him. He told me how coming in second on an engineering design competition pushed him to reflect and find better ways to work and create within a team context.
Series 5 /Episode 9: Conversation with Elisabeth Swan
I was "fangirling" throughout my conversation with Elisabeth Swan. She combines her artistic talents, – writing, drawing, and connecting,– to provide unique learning experiences and enable people to think for themselves. Her award-winning book, "Picture Yourself a Leader" is the product of a great idea – crowd-sourcing. She seamlessly connects the dots among her insights, experiences, and doodles, and the views and insights of others, She lives the slogan, "Never too late to create!"
Series 5 /Episode 10: Conversation with Chason Forehand
I had such a good time talking with Chason Forehand. We both agreed that advocacy is essentially a creative act. It is about enabling others to dream and transform themselves, their thinking, their skill set, and their lives. Working in this creative space involves both humility and vulnerability. Nurturing creativity involves seeking out the extraordinary in each individual and giving them the chance to demonstrate it.
Series 5 /Episode 11: Conversation with Jennifer Katongole
I had a far-reaching conversation with Jennifer Katongole on creativity in international aid. With a lack of resources, finding other ways to provide medical services in crisis zones is both a given and a constant challenge. We talked about blue-sky kaizen, thinking of ways to approach a problem when there are no restrictions. Some of the ideas, she says, are doable in the future.
Series 5 /Episode 12: Conversation with Mayisha Farzana
My conversation with Mayisha Farzana enabled me to see creativity from the perspective of someone just leaving university to begin their career. Mayisha is a new engineer currently working in Ottawa, Canada and using her data visualization skills. We talked about how in creativity, you are always responding to the questions "Why else? , Who else?", "What else?". "Where else?", and "When else?". "IIf we do not try", she says, "we will never know what the outcome will be."
Series 5 /Episode 13: Conversation with Gissel Tapper
I had a lovely conversation with Gissel Tapper about creativity and possibility and starting anew in the nursing profession. With a successful career as a nurse practitioner, Gissel felt that there was something missing. She chose to go back to basics to help build a new organization. She says, "In a new organization nothing is established, so you have the ability to create a workflow, recommend and pilot new approaches. It opened up my ideas to more opportunities."
Series 5 /Episode 14: Conversation with Albanesa Ymaya
I learned about something new through my conversation with Albanesa Ymaya. Her approach to finding creative solutions and opportunities for continuous improvement involves "kaikaku". This practice involves looking at the full organization for system-wide improvement and radical change. We also talked about the importance of providing opportunities for people to think differently and to grow their creative problem solving abilities.
The Book
Your Creativity Sprint
The five-week challenge to better insights!
Edwin Garro - Dwight Powless - Ruth Stanley - Tim Ragan
By reading this book and completing some of the exercises, you will undertake a journey toward a better understanding of creativity and how to get there.